Bookmarks for Checkout integration

As the developer knowledge base and developer community for Google Checkout continue to grow, we're seeing a number of helpful resources and materials scattered across various places, which can make it difficult for you to find what you need. To help keep things organized, we've started to collect bookmarks for links to resources and materials of benefit to merchants in the process of integrating with Google Checkout. You can find it here.

We hope you find it useful, and if you know of any resources that may benefit other merchants, you're more than welcome to add any links to the page.

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Robin said...

That's a very helpful compilation Jacob!

Robin said...

I was wondering if it will be a good idea for checkout to host a demo web store and demo mobile store .. that way merchants can see how checkout works even before they implement it .. that might reduce a lot of "does checkout do this.." type of questions.

If there is nothing planned like that, maybe I can throw something together real quick (unbranded) and link to it from that page?

Unknown said...

Actually, Ropu setup the following demo stores running on osCommerce and Zen Cart:

Demo of Google Checkout integration with OSCommerce

Demo of Google Checkout integration with Zen Cart

But certainly you're more than welcome to setup a demo store for others. Please feel free to add a link to it from the bookmarks page whenever it's ready.