Improve your testing using the Sandbox

We've received a lot of feedback from developers asking for a way to test all of the different payment scenarios in their integration. ("Hey, it's pretty easy to test all of the 'happy paths.' I need to test what happens when the payment fails.")

We've just released a new Sandbox feature that allows you add different payment methods that you can use to more fully exercise your integration. For example, you can checkout with a billing instrument that has "AUTH+DECLINE" as the first line in the address field, and this will cause the order to act as if the initial authorization was declined.

The full details are, of course, in the Checkout Developer's Guide.

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Welcome to our new Google Checkout API Blog. Since the launch of Checkout in June last year, posts about the Google Checkout API appeared on the Official Google Checkout Blog. But with the growing interest of the developer community in the Checkout API, we needed a blog specifically devoted to that audience. We also didn't want to bore the Google Checkout Blog readers with the increasing number of technical posts.

Here's what we plan to cover on this blog:

  • New features in the API
  • Bug fixes
  • Hot topics in the Google Checkout Developer Forum
  • News from the Checkout sample code open source projects
  • Heads-up about conferences and events where we talk, and slides from these talks
  • Developer interviews
  • Technical articles or links to articles about the Checkout API
  • API integrations we've heard about

Our goal here is to enable a conversation with the developer community around this API, and your comments will help. As an experiment, we'll keep the comments open but moderated, and see whether it is sustainable to manage them in the long term. So go ahead, leave a comment and tell us what you would like to read here.

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