See you at JavaOne

JavaOne starts next week in San Francisco. Our team prepared a great session titled Fun and Profit with the Google Checkout API in Java Technology.

I will present the excellent new Java sample code that my British colleague Simon Smith designed. Our sample code went through 2 refactorings recently so it's simpler than ever. And then my new colleague Inderjeet Singh will integrate the Java Petstore 2.0 (hint: look at the list of authors for this article - he knows the Petstore quite well:-) ) with Google Checkout in a few minutes live on stage, leveraging the Java sample code. Finally, Ignacio Blanco from Globant will present a new tool that we will release at JavaOne that helps merchants automate functional testing of their Google Checkout integration. With a mix of synchronous and asynchronous two-way web services calls, and Ajax interactions, functional testing of a Google Checkout integration is difficult to automate. The test server uses Selenium to act as a browser, and intercepts notifications, providing you a unified front end to create automated test suites for your store.

Our session takes place on Thursday, May 10th at 9:35 am in Esplanade 304/306. We hope to see many of you there.

Finally, many engineers from the Checkout team will spend time at the Google booth. If you're interested in Checkout, come say hi and see a demo.

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