Interview Series: Evgeniy Tarassov about the Google Checkout API Python Library

Next in our series of developer interviews is Evgeniy Tarassov, a Russian developer based in France that I met at Google Developer Day 2007 Paris in Paris.

Evgenyi works for a small company called TT-Solutions. For one of his contracting jobs he had to integrate Google Checkout in a Django application, so he wrote gchecky, a Python open source library for the Google Checkout API.

Evgeniy talks about the gchecky project, a Google Checkout API library in Python, what he likes about the API, the Google Checkout API Documentation, and what we could improve, a polling API for Notifications, Bruce Eckel is asking for a polling API too, testing tools (they're on their way, see Mendoza testing tool for the Google Checkout API), and launching Google Checkout in Russia.

The XML parsing and generation in Gchecky is quite compact through the clever use of Python metaclasses.

Thanks for the Python library and the interview Evgeniy, I feel fortunate to have met you in Paris.

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